Neurodiversities, like Autism, are all different and present differently, but many will have similar experiences to me. People with neurodiversities interact with the world very differently to the bulk of the population who are referred to as neurotypical. Please show compassion and understanding to those with neurodiversity so that they can survive, in what to them, is a very hostile world. Anything you do or say might unintentionally upset someone with neurodiversity and the response you get from them may not be what you were expecting.
There will always be a reason why the neurodiverse will act in the way they do. They will not be attacking you, they will just be protecting themselves from something they find uncomfortable. It might be touch, smell, sounds, activity, light, your attitude to them, what and how you say things, what and how you do things. Everyone being self aware and aware of others will help immensely. I have been very lucky, 5 people have done and do that for me, my wife Nicola, our 2 sons and Nicola’s parents, without these people I would not be alive today.
Please embrace (not physically), give space and understanding to all those with neurodiversity, whatever the type. I am sure it will make you and them feel better and will make the world a happier, more productive and inclusive place for us all to live in.